Clergy & Staff
V. Rev. Fr. Philip Rogers, Pastor
Fr. Philip and Kh. Kathryn both come from clergy and convert families. Fr. Philip's family became Orthodox in 1987 with the rest of the EOC (Evangelical Orthodox Church), and Kathryn's family in 1998 from the Episcopal Church. The two met while they were students at the University of South Carolina. Following Fr. Philip's graduation, they were married and moved to St. Vladimir's Seminary. After completing seminary, the Rogers were asked to move to Lafayette, LA where Fr. Philip became the pastor of Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Church. In addition to his duties there, he served as the Camp Director for Camp St. Thekla from 2007-2016. In 2015, Fr. Philip was assigned to serve here at St. John. Kh. Kathryn works in Memphis as a nurse. They also have a daughter.
You can email Fr. Philip at
V. Rev. Fr. Basil Cushman
Associate Pastor
V. Rev. Fr. John Troy Mashburn
Pastor Emeritus
V. Rev. Fr. Don Berge
Retired (attached to St. John altar)
Rev. Dn. James Elliott
Rev. Dn. Timothy Mashburn
Rev. Dn. Charles McKelroy
Music Ministry
Dave Twombly
Bill Stanek
Choir Director
Nathan Powell
Choir Director
Elizabeth Loggins, Church Secretary
Judy Terry, Librarian
Ted Werthmuller, Pastoral Assistant & Youth Director
Karen Bell, Webmaster
Parish Council
The parish council consists of clergy and laity from the parish. The council meets monthly, with the exception of the month of August, to advise and assist the pastor in the oversight of all aspects of parochial life. The council has 7 members consisting of the pastor who serves as an ex-officio member; a clergy representative selected by the clergy; and five members appointed by the pastor after receiving recommendations from the parish and who serve for three year terms which are staggered. Thus, each year two of the rotating members “retire” and are replaced with two new members. Parish Council meetings are open to all parishioners and are normally held on a Tuesday evening.
Current Parish Council
V. Rev. Fr. Philip Rogers, Pastor
Rev. Dn. Tim Mashburn
Pam Bowick
Sarah Ortwein
Travis Harms
Calen Verbist
Dan O’Brien
Mike Jackson
Our Metropolitan
Most Reverend Saba (Isper)
His Eminence, the Most Reverend Saba is the Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. He leads and oversees the Archdiocese's parishes, missions, departments, institutions and organizations in the United States and Canada from the headquarters in Englewood, New Jersey. The auxiliary bishops aid him in his administration across the continent.
You can read his full biography here.