

Welcome to St. John Orthodox Church!

Christ is in our midst! He is and ever shall be!

It is with great joy that we welcome you into the midst of our Church family. As you walk through the doors of the Church, Lord willing, you will be struck by what you find. Most importantly, you will discover that the center of our faith is the person of Jesus Christ. Christ as the central focus will be apparent in the vibrant iconography, the beautiful hymns, and the loving witness of our Church community, which is made up of people of all ages and backgrounds. You won’t find a community of perfect people, but you will find a community of people striving to know Christ in the midst of a broken world.

While we are not able to share communion, visitors are welcome to worship with us during any of our services throughout the week. In addition, visitors are welcome to attend any of our teachings and various learning opportunities and fellowship times.

Also, you can learn more about what to expect on your visit, how to understand our services, get overviews of our teachings, dogma, terminology, and way of life, and read the history of our parish.

All of us are on a unique journey to experience Christ. We invite you to “come and see!”


In Christ,
Fr. Philip Rogers