January Services

After discussion with our parish council and our clergy, and with the blessing of Bishop Nicholas, we have decided to open St. Raphael Hall for an additional 25 spaces. Those who sign up for Liturgy in the hall will have a screen with the Liturgy and then be able to come to the nave in order to receive the Eucharist. Please enter the hall through the courtyard entrance where an usher will be present. May the Lord continue to bless us as we move forward during this pandemic.



Since reopening, we have required the wearing of a mask while in the Church at any time. Thank you for your patience and you willingness to abide by this directive. For some, wearing a mask feels like an undue burden while we are in the nave praying together. It might be helpful to think of the directive of wearing a mask at the church like you think about fasting while in the church. On fast days, in order to include as many people as possible, the Church errs on the side of the strictest fast. This way, no matter a person’s personal fasting rule, they would be able to participate and eat with the rest of the Church. The same is true of masks. No matter a person’s personal rule or preference about masks, the most inclusive thing that we can do is to all wear a mask in order to include those needing to be the most cautious. Our choice to fast strictly when eating together is out of love and our choice to wear a mask when together in Church is out of love as well. May God give us compassion and wisdom as we continue to journey through this pandemic!

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