Pascha Services

Please see the following service schedule for this week:

Thursday, 5/2
Vesperal Divine Liturgy, 4:00 pm
Lenten Meal, following Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Passion Gospels, 7:00 pm

Friday, 5/3
Royal Hours, 9:00 am
Bier Decoration & Flower Arranging
Taking Down Vespers, 3:00 pm
Vigil Reading Begins
Lamentation Orthros, 7:00 pm

Saturday, 5/4
Vesperal Divine Liturgy, 10:00 am
Midnight Office & Paschal Liturgy, 11:00 pm
Paschal Feast

Sunday, 5/5
No Morning Services
Agape Vespers, 3:30 pm
Agape Picnic & Egg Hunt, following Agape Vespers

All services will be livestreamed.

Elizabeth Loggins